Winter Storage
You must protect your unit from freezing temperatures.
Failureto doso will permanentlydamageyour pumpandrender
your unitinoperable.
Freezedamageis notcoveredunderwarranty.
To protectthe unit from freezingtemperatures:
1. Follow steps 1-3 in the previous section After EachUse.
2. Use pump saver, Model6039, to treat pump. This
minimizes freezedamageand lubricates pistons and
3. If pump saver is not available,connect a 3-foot section
of garden hose to water inlet adapter. Pour
RV-antifreeze(antifreezewithout alcohol) into hose.
Pull recoil handle twice. Disconnect 3-foot hose.
4. Store unit in a clean, dry area.
If you do not plan to use the pressure washer for more than
30 days, you must prepare the engine and pump for long
term storage.
Protect Fuel System
Fuelwill becomestale when stored over30 days. Stale fuel
causes acids and gum deposits to form in the fuel system or
on essential carburetor parts. Prior to storage, if gasoline
has not beentreated with a fuel stabilizer, it must be drained
from the engine into an approved container. Then run engine
until it stops from lack of fuel.
When fuel stabilizers are used according to their
instructions, there is no needto drain the gasoline from the
engine prior to storage. Use Briggs & Stratton FRESH
STARTTM fuel stabilizer, availableas a liquid additive or a drip
concentrated liquid cartridge. Runthe engine for a short time
to circulate stabilizer throughout the fuel system. Engineand
fuel can then be stored up to 24 months.
If gasoline is drained, the useof a fuel stabilizer in the
storage container is still recommendedto maintain
Storing the Engine
Seethe engine operator's manualfor instructions on howto
properly preparethe engine for storage.
Protecting the Pump
To protect the pump from damagecaused by mineral
deposits or freezing, use PumpSaver,Model 6039, to treat
pump. This prevents freezedamage and lubricates pistons
and seals.
You must protect yOUrunit from freezing temperatures.
Failureto doso will permanentlydamageyour pumpandrender
Freezedamageis notcoveredunderwarranty.
NOTE:PumpSaveris available as an optional accessory. It is
not included with the pressure washer. Contactthe nearest
authorized service center to purchase PumpSaver.
To use PumpSaver,make sure the pressure washer is turned
off and disconnectedfrom supply water. Readand follow all
instructions and warnings given on the PumpSaver
Other Storage Tips
1. DONOTstore fuel from oneseason to another unless it
has beentreated as described in Protect FuelSystem.
2. Replacefuel container if it starts to rust. Rustand/or
dirt in fuel can cause problems if it's usedwith this
3. Cover unit with a suitable protective cover that does not
retain moisture.
f_J Storagecovers can
be flammable.
• DONOTplaceastoragecoverovera hotpressurewasher.
. Letequipmentcoolfor a sufficienttimebeforeplacingthecover
onthe equipment.
4. Store unit in a cleanand dry area.