Howto Start YourPressureWasher
To start your pressure washer for the first time, follow these
instructions step-by-step. This starting information also
applies if you havelet the pressurewasher sit idle for at least
a day.
1. Placepressure washer near an outside water source
capable of supplying water at a flow rate greaterthan
3.3 gallons per minute and no less than 20 PSIat
pressure washer end of garden hose. DO NOTsiphon
supply water.
2. Checkthat high pressure hoseis tightly connectedto
spray gun and pump. SeeAssembly section.
3. Make sure unit is in a level position.
4. Connectgarden hose to water inlet on pressure washer
DO NOTrun the pump without the water supply connected
and turned on. ________
I" Damagetoequipmentresultingfromfailureto followthis
h instructionwillvoidwarranty.
5. Turn 0I/water, point spray gun in a safe direction and
squeezetrigger to purge pump system of air and
6. Attach nozzleextension to spray gun. Tighten by hand.
7. Engagetrigger lock (A) on spray gun trigger.
8. Whenstarting engine, position yourself as
recommended and start engine according to
instructions given in engine operator's manual. Also
see operating instructions tag locatedon the pressure
Startercord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
in bodily injury. Kickbackwill pull hand and arm
_,_< toward engine fasterthan you can let go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
• NEVERpull startercordwithoutfirst relievingspraygun
. Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntilresistanceis feltand
thenpullrapidlyto avoidkickback.
. Aftereachstartingattempt,whereenginefailsto run,always
to releasehighpressure.Engagesprayguntriggerlock.
• Firmlygraspspraygunwith bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
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