Featuresand Controls
_Read this Operator'sManual and safetyrules beforeoperatingyour pressurewasher.
Comparethe illustrations with your pressure washer,to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
A - SprayGun-- Controls the application of water onto
cleaning surfacewith trigger device, includes trigger lock.
B - Nozzle Extension withQuickConnect-- Allows you to
switch betweenthree different spray tips.
C - High PressureHose-- Connect one end to water pump
and the other end to spray gun.
B - Oil Fill/Dipstick-- Checkand fill with oil here.
E- Pump- Developshigh pressure.
F - AutomaticCool Down System-- Cycleswater through
pump when water reaches125°-155°F. Warm water will
dischargefrom pump onto ground. This system prevents
internal pump damage.
G- Air Filter-- Protects engine by filtering dust and debris
out of intake air.
H - Detergent Siphoning Tube/Filter-- Useto siphon
pressure washer safe detergents into the low pressure
J - High Pressure Outlet-- Connection for high pressure
K - WaterInlet-- Connectionfor garden hose.
L - Engine Controls-- Seeengine manualfor detailson
M - Recoil Starter-- Usedfor starting the engine manually.
fl - Fuel Tank-- Fill tank with regular unleadedfuel. Always
leave room for fuel expansion.
P- Warning/Operating InstructionsTag- identifies
hazardsand proper procedureto start/stop pressure
R -Accessory Tray-- Provides convenient storage for
standard and optional accessories,such as brushes,
turbo wands, etc.
S - Spray Tips-- Detergent,0°, and 25°: for various high
pressurecleaning applications.
#eros Not Shown:
Data Tag(near rear of baseplate) -- Provides model and
serial number of pressure washer. Pleasehavethese readily
available if calling for assistance.
10 www.troybilt.cem