2. Placespray gun through hole on accessory tray on
right side of unit.
NOTE:You may also usethe spray gun holder wireform
attached to the handleto store your spray gun and nozzle
extension, as shown in Featuresand Controls section.
3. Insert multi-colored spray tips in spaces provided in
accessory tray.
4. Hanghigh pressure hoseon hook attachedto
accessory tray on front of tray, as shown.
Howto UseSpray Tips
The quick-connect on the nozzleextension allows you to
switch betweenthree different quick connect spray tips.
Spray tips can be changed while pressure washer is running
once spray gun trigger lock is engaged.Thespray tips vary
the spray pattern asshown below.
LowPressure High Pressure
_ r i t
Black 25° Green 0° Red
Useto apply 1750 PSI 2500 PSI
detergent 2.3 GPM 2.0 GPM
Fellow these instructionsto changespraytips:
1. Engagetrigger lock on spray gun.
The high pressure stream of water that this
_ quipment produces can cut through skin and itsunderlying tissues, leadingto serious injury and
possible amputation.
• NEVERexchangespraytipswithoutlockingthetriggerlockon
the spraygun.
• DONOTtwistspraytips whilespraying.
2. Pull backcollar on quick-connect and pull current
spray tip off. Store spray tips in holder provided on the
accessory tray.
3. Select desiredspray tip:
• For gentle rinse, select green 25° spray tip.
• To scour surface, select red 0° spray tip.
• To apply detergent, select black spray tip.
4. Pull back on collar, insert new spray tip and release
collar. Tug on spray tip to make sure it is securely in
Usage Tips
• For most effective cleaning, keepspray tip from 8 to
24 inches away from cleaning surface.
• If you get spray tip too close, especially using a high
pressure spray tip, you may damage surface being
• DO NOTget closer than 6 inches when cleaningtires.
Cleaning and Applying Detergent
Chemicalscan causebodily injury, and/or property
NEVERusecausticliquidwith pressurewasher.
To apply detergent, fellowthese steps:
1. Review use of spray tips.
2. Preparedetergent solution as required byjob.
3. Placesmall filter end of detergent siphoning tube into
detergent container.
Contact with the hot muffler can damagedetergent
siphoning tube.
Wheninsertingthe filterinto adetergentsolutionbottle,route
thetubesoasto keepit from inadvertentlycontactingthehot
NOTE:Makesure the filter is fully submerged in detergent
while applying detergent.
4. Make sure black spray tip is installed.
NOTE:Detergentcannot be applied with the high pressure
spray tips (Greenor Red).
14 www.troyhilt.cem