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8.7. "23 (0x17) Read/Write Multiple Registers" function
The "Read/Write Multiple Registers" service is reserved for setting up the IO Scanning
service (see "IO Scanning" section)
Request format:
Byte Meaning
0 Function Code = 17h
1 Starting Address Hi
2 Starting Address Lo
3 No. of Registers Hi (0)
4 No. of Registers Lo (1 - 100)
5 Byte Count (B = 2 × No. of Registers)
6 First Register Data (Hi)
7 First Register Data (Lo)
・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・
B+4 Last Register Data (Hi)
B+5 Last Register Data (Lo)
Response format:
Byte Meaning
0 Function Code = 17h
1 Starting Address Hi
2 Starting Address Lo
3 No. of Registers Hi (0)
4 No. of Registers Lo (1 - 100)
Exception response format:
Byte Meaning
0 Function Code = 97h
Exception Code =
01 (Illegal Function)
02 (Illegal Data Address)
03 (Illegal Data Value)
04 (Slave Device Failure)
As for the EEPROM parameter, first the data is written to RAM, after that the data is written to
EEPROM. Some EEPROM parameters cannot be changed during the inverter is running.
When write to EEPROM parameter that will change inverter status from stop to run, the inverter must
be in the state that it cannot run.
For example: To write to EEPROM, the inverter must open ST-CC. (display shows "OFF")
If not, the data is only written to RAM.
The Life of EEPROM is approximately 100,000 times. Avoid writing a command more than 100,000
times to the same parameter of the Inverter.
Please access only parameters in document.