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Instance Services
Service Code Service Name Description of Service
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Read one attribute
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Write one attribute
Attribute ID of all parameters are 3. Moreover, about the instance ID of each parameter, it
becomes "parameter communication number + 4000H".
In the case of the parameter from which a communication number begins in "F", it
becomes "parameter communication number - 0x8000 (same as bit15 set to 0)".
About the detail contents of a parameter, please refer to a VF-MB1 or VF-S15
instructions manual.
Example 1:
In case of Basic parameter “cmod - Command mode selection”,
Communication No: 0003 -> Instance ID: 4003
Example 2:
In case of Extended parameter “f268 - Updown frequency default value”,
Communication No: 0268 -> Instance ID: 4268
Example 3:
In case of Monitor parameter “fe03 - Output current”,
Communication No: FE03 -> Instance ID: 7E03
* Monitor parameter can access "Get" only.
For example, when "Acc. time" is set to 5 sec., since the minimum unit is 0.1s,
5 / 0.1 = 50 = 32H
Since the communication number of "Acc. time" is "0009", it writes "32H" in instance ID
Moreover, when the "highest frequency" is read, "1F40H" is read.
0x1F40 = 8000 (Dec.)
Since the minimum unit is 0.01Hz,
8000 * 0.01 = 80Hz