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Instance Attribute ID Access Name Data type Details
Mcast Config STRUCT
IP Multicast address configuration
Alloc Config USINT 0 - Use default allocation algorithm to
generate multicast addresses.
1 – Multicast addresses shall be allocated
according to the values in Num Mcast and
Mcast Start Address.
Reserved USINT
(System reserved)
Num Mcast UINT Number of multicast addressees to allocate
for EtherNet/IP.
9 Get/Set
Mcast Start Addr UDINT Starting multicast address from which to begin
10 Get/Set SelectedAcd BOOL Activate the use of ACD
0 - Disable ACD
1 - Enable ACD
LastConflictDeteced STRUCT
Structure containing information related to the
last conflict detected.
AcdActivity USINT State of ACD activity when last conflict
RemoteMAC Array of 6
MAC address of remote node from the ARP
PDU in which a conflict was detected.
11 Get/Set
ArpPdu Array of
Copy of the raw ARP PDU in which a conflict
was detected.
Note: Don’t use the “System reserved” bit and Bit0 for the judgement.
*Only 16 characters in 64 characters can be set in the drive.
Instance Services
Service Code Service Name Description of Service
0x01 Get_Attribute_All Read all attributes
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Read one attribute
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Write one attribute