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4.3. Assembly Object (0x04)
Class code 0x04.
The Assembly Object binds attributes of multiple objects, which allows data to or from each object to
be sent or received over a single connection. Assembly objects can be used to bind input data or
output data. The terms ”input” and ”output” are defined from the network’s point of view. An input will
produce data on the network and an output will consume data from the network
Class Attributes
Instance Attribute ID Access Name Data type Details Value
1 Get Revision UINT Revision of this object 2
2 Get Max Instances UINT Maximum instance number of an
object currently created in this class
level of the device.
3 Get Number of Instances UINT Number of object instances currently
created at this class level of the
6 Get Max ID of class
UINT The attribute ID number of the last
class attribute of the class definition
implemented in the device.
7 Get Max ID of instance
UINT The attribute ID number of the last
instance attribute of the class
definition implemented in the device.
Class Service
Service Code Service Name Description of Service
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Read one attribute
Instance Attribute
Instance Attribute ID Access Name Details
See below
3 Get/Set* Data Settable Only on Output Assembly.
See below
See below
4 Get Size Number of bytes in Attribute 3.
Output Assembly:
Instance Type Size Page
20 CIP basic speed control output 2 words (4 bytes) 45
21 CIP extended speed control output 2 words (4 bytes) 46
100 Native drive output 2 to 8 words (4 to 16 bytes) 47
101 Native drive output 4 words (8 bytes) 49
102 Native drive output 6 words (12 bytes) 51
105 TOSHIBA specific output 9 words (18 bytes) 52
Input Assembly:
Instance Type Size Page
70 CIP basic speed control input 2 words (4 bytes) 45
71 CIP extended speed control input 2 words (4 bytes) 46
150 Native drive input 2 to 8 words (4 to 16 bytes) 47
151 Native drive input 4 words (8 bytes) 49
152 Native drive input 6 words (12 bytes) 51
155 TOSHIBA specific output 9 words (18 bytes) 52
Instance Services
Service Code Service Name Description of Service
0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Read one attribute
0x10 Set_Attribute_Single Write one attribute