CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
Path FERF, Transmit alarm set to,
Path Overhead, viewing, 3–80,
3–116, 3–117
path overhead bytes, setting, 3–77
Path User Channel (F2), Overhead
Add/Drop Port, G–5, G–6
PATTERN LOCK, status light,
Pause Control line, PATH OVER-
HEAD page, 3–120
Payload, Offset Mode, 3–150
Payload Analysis, ERROR ANAL-
YSIS, 3–177, 3–180
payload mapping, 3–104
DS3, 3–110
setting, 3–71
unequipped, 3–114
VT1.5 Floating Async, 3–72,
performance monitoring, 3–18
Periodic 26–1, 3–154, 3–156
With Add, 3–155, 3–156
With Cancel, 3–155, 3–156
Periodic 87–3, 3–154, 3–156
With Add, 3–154, 3–156
With Cancel, 3–154, 3–156
Periodic Continuous, 3–153, 3–156
With Add, 3–154, 3–156
With Cancel, 3–156
with Cancel, 3–153
Phase Transient, 3–153, 3–155
pin assignments
Overhead Add/Drop Port, G–5
RS-232, G–3
VGA video output, G–1
Pointer, Fail If condition, 3–43
POINTER ACTION button, 3–142
POINTER ADJ, status light, 3–60
pointer adjust mode, 3–141
Pointer Control, POINTERS &
TIMING, 3–147
Pointer Direction, POINTERS &
TIMING, 3–148, 3–157
Pointer Rate, POINTERS & TIM-
ING, 3–147, 3–158
Pointer S–Bits, Pointers & Timing,
Pointer Type, POINTERS & TIM-
ING, 3–142, 3–157
Pointer Value Set to, POINTERS &
TIMING, 3–144, 3–145
Pointer/Timing Mode, POINTERS
& TIMING, 3–141, 3–149,
Pointers, MAIN RESULTS, 3–175,
power connector, 1–9
power requirements, 1–9
POWEROUT, history graphs,
Operator End Prompt, 3–48
Operator Start Prompt, 3–46
Previous, VT Under Test, 3–74
AutoScan dialog box, 3–58
PRINT CONTROL dialog box,
3–197, 3–198
PRINT button, 3–197
Print Error Analysis, PRINT CON-
TROL dialog box, 3–197
Print Last Screen, PRINT CON-
TROL dialog box, 3–198
Print Main Results, PRINT CON-
TROL dialog box, 3–197
Print Summary, On Test Comple-
tion, 3–49
Print User & Company, PRINTER
SETUP, 3–206
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
Path FERF, Transmit alarm set to,
Path Overhead, viewing, 3–80,
3–116, 3–117
path overhead bytes, setting, 3–77
Path User Channel (F2), Overhead
Add/Drop Port, G–5, G–6
PATTERN LOCK, status light,
Pause Control line, PATH OVER-
HEAD page, 3–120
Payload, Offset Mode, 3–150
Payload Analysis, ERROR ANAL-
YSIS, 3–177, 3–180
payload mapping, 3–104
DS3, 3–110
setting, 3–71
unequipped, 3–114
VT1.5 Floating Async, 3–72,
performance monitoring, 3–18
Periodic 26–1, 3–154, 3–156
With Add, 3–155, 3–156
With Cancel, 3–155, 3–156
Periodic 87–3, 3–154, 3–156
With Add, 3–154, 3–156
With Cancel, 3–154, 3–156
Periodic Continuous, 3–153, 3–156
With Add, 3–154, 3–156
With Cancel, 3–156
with Cancel, 3–153
Phase Transient, 3–153, 3–155
pin assignments
Overhead Add/Drop Port, G–5
RS-232, G–3
VGA video output, G–1
Pointer, Fail If condition, 3–43
POINTER ACTION button, 3–142
POINTER ADJ, status light, 3–60
pointer adjust mode, 3–141
Pointer Control, POINTERS &
TIMING, 3–147
Pointer Direction, POINTERS &
TIMING, 3–148, 3–157
Pointer Rate, POINTERS & TIM-
ING, 3–147, 3–158
Pointer S–Bits, Pointers & Timing,
Pointer Type, POINTERS & TIM-
ING, 3–142, 3–157
Pointer Value Set to, POINTERS &
TIMING, 3–144, 3–145
Pointer/Timing Mode, POINTERS
& TIMING, 3–141, 3–149,
Pointers, MAIN RESULTS, 3–175,
power connector, 1–9
power requirements, 1–9
POWEROUT, history graphs,
Operator End Prompt, 3–48
Operator Start Prompt, 3–46
Previous, VT Under Test, 3–74
AutoScan dialog box, 3–58
PRINT CONTROL dialog box,
3–197, 3–198
PRINT button, 3–197
Print Error Analysis, PRINT CON-
TROL dialog box, 3–197
Print Last Screen, PRINT CON-
TROL dialog box, 3–198
Print Main Results, PRINT CON-
TROL dialog box, 3–197
Print Summary, On Test Comple-
tion, 3–49
Print User & Company, PRINTER
SETUP, 3–206