CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
An acronym for Far End Block Error. An indication returned to
the transmitting LTE that an errored block has been detected at
the receiving LTE.
An acronym for Far End Receive Failure. A FERF indicates to
the transmitting LTE that the receiving LTE has detected an
incoming line failure or is receiving a Line AIS.
An acronym for the International Telecommunication Union.
The portion of a transmission line between two multiplexers.
Line Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
A Line AIS is generated by Section Terminating Equipment
upon Loss of Signal or Loss of Frame.
Line Coding Violation (CV)
The sum of the BIP errors detected at the Line layer. Line CVs
are collected using the BIP codes in the B2 bytes of the Line
Line Errored Second (ES)
A second during which at least one Line CV occurred, or a
second during which the line was in the Line AIS state.
Line Far End Receive Failure (FERF)
An indication returned to a transmitting LTE from the receiving
LTE that a Line AIS or incoming line failure has been detected.
Line Overhead (LOH)
Controls the payload information using the section layer and
provides alarm indications, error monitoring, and message
signalling between two LTEs.
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
An acronym for Far End Block Error. An indication returned to
the transmitting LTE that an errored block has been detected at
the receiving LTE.
An acronym for Far End Receive Failure. A FERF indicates to
the transmitting LTE that the receiving LTE has detected an
incoming line failure or is receiving a Line AIS.
An acronym for the International Telecommunication Union.
The portion of a transmission line between two multiplexers.
Line Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)
A Line AIS is generated by Section Terminating Equipment
upon Loss of Signal or Loss of Frame.
Line Coding Violation (CV)
The sum of the BIP errors detected at the Line layer. Line CVs
are collected using the BIP codes in the B2 bytes of the Line
Line Errored Second (ES)
A second during which at least one Line CV occurred, or a
second during which the line was in the Line AIS state.
Line Far End Receive Failure (FERF)
An indication returned to a transmitting LTE from the receiving
LTE that a Line AIS or incoming line failure has been detected.
Line Overhead (LOH)
Controls the payload information using the section layer and
provides alarm indications, error monitoring, and message
signalling between two LTEs.