CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
This manual describes how to use the Tektronix CTS 710 SONET
Test Set. This manual is your primary source of information about
how the CTS 710 functions.
How This Manual is Organized
This manual is divided into four sections: Getting Started, Operating
Basics, Reference, and Appendices.
H Getting Started provides an overview of the CTS 710 and
describes first time operation.
H Operating Basics explains the basic principles of operating the
CTS 710. The Operating Basics section also includes a tutorial
which introduces you to most of the capabilities of the CTS 710
by having you run a BER test.
H Reference provides explanations of how to perform detailed tasks.
H The Appendices provide a listing of specifications, default factory
settings, an incoming inspection test, and other useful informa-
This manual uses the following conventions:
H The names of front-panel controls and menus appear in all upper
case letters, for example, TRANSMIT and HELP.
H Names appear in the same case in this manual as they appear on
the display of the CTS 710, for example, Test Duration and
H Within a procedure, a specific button to be pressed or a parameter
to be selected appears in boldface print. For example, press the
AUTOSCAN button or select Continuous.
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
This manual describes how to use the Tektronix CTS 710 SONET
Test Set. This manual is your primary source of information about
how the CTS 710 functions.
How This Manual is Organized
This manual is divided into four sections: Getting Started, Operating
Basics, Reference, and Appendices.
H Getting Started provides an overview of the CTS 710 and
describes first time operation.
H Operating Basics explains the basic principles of operating the
CTS 710. The Operating Basics section also includes a tutorial
which introduces you to most of the capabilities of the CTS 710
by having you run a BER test.
H Reference provides explanations of how to perform detailed tasks.
H The Appendices provide a listing of specifications, default factory
settings, an incoming inspection test, and other useful informa-
This manual uses the following conventions:
H The names of front-panel controls and menus appear in all upper
case letters, for example, TRANSMIT and HELP.
H Names appear in the same case in this manual as they appear on
the display of the CTS 710, for example, Test Duration and
H Within a procedure, a specific button to be pressed or a parameter
to be selected appears in boldface print. For example, press the
AUTOSCAN button or select Continuous.