Appendix B: Status and Error Messages
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
entered for the file to be saved to disk; that is, there is no default file
Filename not found. This message appears if the disk was swapped
after the directory was read and you attempted to recall a file. Insert
the original disk and recall the file again.
File not read. A disk error occurred while reading a file. The file is
probably corrupted, though you might be able to recover the file with
an MS-DOS disk recovery program.
Frequency offset disabled with current transmit clock. You attempted
to change from Pointer/Timing Mode to Frequency Offset while the
transmit clock was set to External. Frequency Offset can be selected
only when the transmit clock is set to Internal or Recovered.
Hardcopy already in progress. You tried to start a printout while a
printout was already in progress. Wait until the current printout
completes and then select Print again.
Instrument unable to drop signal while transmitting current rate. You
attempted to turn on tributary drop while the transmit rate was set to
a tributary rate. Because the tributary transmit connector and
tributary drop connector are the same connector, you cannot transmit
a tributary signal and drop a tributary signal at the same time.
Internal diagnostics failed. A malfunction has occurred that requires
servicing. Contact a Tektronix representative for assistance.
Internal Error N: Contact Tektronix Service. A hardware malfunction
has occurred that requires servicing. Contact a Tektronix representa-
tive for assistance.
Internal format of file incorrect; file not read. You recalled a file that
does not contain data in the correct format. This occurs when a file is
recalled that happens to have the same extension as the type of
CTS 710 file being recalled, but it is not a CTS 710 file.
Appendix B: Status and Error Messages
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
entered for the file to be saved to disk; that is, there is no default file
Filename not found. This message appears if the disk was swapped
after the directory was read and you attempted to recall a file. Insert
the original disk and recall the file again.
File not read. A disk error occurred while reading a file. The file is
probably corrupted, though you might be able to recover the file with
an MS-DOS disk recovery program.
Frequency offset disabled with current transmit clock. You attempted
to change from Pointer/Timing Mode to Frequency Offset while the
transmit clock was set to External. Frequency Offset can be selected
only when the transmit clock is set to Internal or Recovered.
Hardcopy already in progress. You tried to start a printout while a
printout was already in progress. Wait until the current printout
completes and then select Print again.
Instrument unable to drop signal while transmitting current rate. You
attempted to turn on tributary drop while the transmit rate was set to
a tributary rate. Because the tributary transmit connector and
tributary drop connector are the same connector, you cannot transmit
a tributary signal and drop a tributary signal at the same time.
Internal diagnostics failed. A malfunction has occurred that requires
servicing. Contact a Tektronix representative for assistance.
Internal Error N: Contact Tektronix Service. A hardware malfunction
has occurred that requires servicing. Contact a Tektronix representa-
tive for assistance.
Internal format of file incorrect; file not read. You recalled a file that
does not contain data in the correct format. This occurs when a file is
recalled that happens to have the same extension as the type of
CTS 710 file being recalled, but it is not a CTS 710 file.