System > Certificates
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Certificate Details
Clicking on the icon in the Details column of the Certificates and Certificate Requests table
lists information about the certificate, which may include the following, depending on the type
of certificate:
• Certificate Issuer
• Subject Distinguished Name
• Certificate Serial Number
• Valid from
• Expires On
• Status (for Pending requests and local certificates)
• CRL Status (for Certificate Authority certificates)
The details shown in the Details mouseover popup depend on the type of certificate.
Certificate Issuer, Certificate Serial Number, Valid from, and Expires On are not shown for
Pending requests since this information is generated by the Certificate provider. Similarly, CRL
Status information is shown only for CA certificates and varies depending on the CA certificate
Importing Certificates
After your CA service has issued a Certificate for your Pending request, or has otherwise
provided a Local Certificate, you can import it for use in VPN or Web Management
authentication. CA Certificates may also be imported to verify local Certificates and peer
Certificates used in IKE negotiation.