Network > WAN Failover & Load Balancing
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
Note If there is a NAT device between the two devices sending and receiving TCP probes, the
Any TCP-SYN to Port box must be checked, and the same port number must be configured
here and in the Configure WAN Probe Monitoring window.
Step 4 Click on the Configure button. The Configure WAN Probe Monitoring window is displayed.
Step 5 In the Primary WAN Probe Settings menu, select one of the following options:
Probe succeeds when either Main Target or Alternate Target responds
Probe succeeds when both Main Target and Alternative Target respond
Probe succeeds when Main Target responds
Succeeds Always (no probing)
Step 6 Select Ping (ICMP) or TCP from the Probe Target menu.
Step 7 Enter the IP address of the target device in the IP Address field.
Step 8 Enter a port number in the Port field.
Note If there is a NAT device between the two devices sending and receiving TCP probes, the
Any TCP-SYN to Port box must be checked, and the same port number must be configured
here and in the Configure WAN Probe Monitoring window.
Step 9 Check the SNWL? box if the target device is a SonicWALL security appliance. Do not check
the SNWL? box for third-party devices, as the TCP probes may not work consistently.
Step 10 Configure the Secondary WAN Probe Settings, which provide the same options as the
Primary WAN Probe Settings.
Step 11 Click OK.