Log > Automation
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
E-mail Log Automation
• Send Log to E-mail address - Enter your e-mail address (username@mydomain.com) in
this field to receive the event log via e-mail. Once sent, the log is cleared from the
SonicWALL memory. If this field is left blank, the log is not e-mailed.
• Send Alerts to E-mail address - Enter your e-mail address (username@mydomain.com)
in the Send alerts to field to be immediately e-mailed when attacks or system errors occur.
Type a standard e-mail address or an e-mail paging service. If this field is left blank, e-mail
alert messages are not sent.
• Send Log - Determines the frequency of sending log files. The options are When Full,
Weekly, or Daily. If the Weekly or Daily option is selected, then select the day of the week
the log is sent in the every menu and the time of day in 24-hour format in the At field.
Mail Server Settings
The mail server settings allow you to specify the name or IP address of your mail server, the
from e-mail address, and authentication method.
• Mail Server (name or IP address) - Enter the IP address or FQDN of the e-mail server
used to send your log e-mails in this field.
• From E-mail Address - Enter the E-mail address you want to display in the From field of
the message.
• Authentication Method - You can use the default None item or select POP Before SMTP.
Note If the Mail Server (name or IP address) is left blank, log and alert messages are not e-