Network > Dynamic DNS
SonicOS Enhanced 4.0 Administrator Guide
• Dyndns.org http://www.dyndns.org - SonicOS requires a username, password, Mail
Exchanger, and Backup MX to configure DDNS from Dyndns.org.
• Changeip.com http://www.changeip.com - A single, traditional Dynamic DNS service
requiring only username, password, and domain name for SonicOS configuration.
• No-ip.com http://www.no-ip.com - Dynamic DNS service requiring only username,
password, and domain name for SonicOS configuration. Also supports hostname grouping.
• Yi.org http://www.yi.org - Dynamic DNS service requiring only username, password, and
domain name for SonicOS configuration. Requires that an RR record be created on the
yi.org administrative page for dynamic updates to occur properly.
Additional Services offered by Dynamic DNS Providers
Some common additional services offered by Dynamic DNS providers include:
• Wildcards - allows for wildcard references to sub-domains. For example, if you register
yourdomain.dyndns.org, your site would be reachable at *.yourdomain.dyndyn.org, e.g.
server.yourdomain.dyndyn.org, www.yourdomain.dyndyn.org, ftp.yourdomain.dyndyn.org,
• Mail Exchangers - Creates MX record entries for your domain so that SMTP servers can
locate it via DNS and send mail. Note: inbound SMTP is frequently blocked by ISPs - please
check with your provider before attempting to host a mail server.
• Backup MX (offered by dyndns.org, yi.org) - Allows for the specification of an alternative
IP address for the MX record in the event that the primary IP address is inactive.
• Groups - Allows for the grouping of hosts so that an update can be performed once at the
group level, rather than multiple times for each member.
• Off-Line IP Address - Allows for the specification of an alternative address for your
registered hostnames in the event that the primary registered IP is offline.
Configuring Dynamic DNS
Using any Dynamic DNS service begins with settings up an account with the DDNS service
provider (or providers) of your choice. It is possible to use multiple providers simultaneously.
Refer to the links for the various providers listed above. The registration process normally
involves a confirmation email from the provider, with a final acknowledgment performed by
visiting a unique URL embedded in the confirmation email. After logging in to the selected
provider's page, you should visit the administrative link (typically 'add' or 'manage'), and create
your host entries. This must be performed prior to attempting to use the dynamic DNS client on
SonicOS. The Network > Dynamic DNS page provides the settings for configuring the
SonicWALL security appliance to use your DDNS service.