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Currency conversion keys
Program each item as follows:
• RATE (Use the numeric entry method)
Currency conversion rate (0.0000 to 9999.9999)
(for CONV1 thru CONV4)
• TEXT (Use the character entry method)
Description for the currency conversion key. Up to 12 characters can
be entered.
• DESCRIPTOR (Use the character entry method)
Currency descriptor. Up to 4 characters can be entered.
• DRAWER No.* (Use the numeric entry method)
Foreign currency Drawer No. (1 digit: 0 to 2)
You can also select a conversion key by pressing the corresponding key
when it has been placed directly on the keyboard instead of selecting the
key from the menu.
Eat-in keys
Program each item as follows:
• TEXT (Use the character entry method)
Description for the eat-in key. Up to 12 characters can be entered.
• TAX1 thru 5 DELETE (Use the selective entry method)
YES : Deletes Tax n (1 thru 5).
NO : Calculates Tax n (1 thru 5).
You can also select an eat-in key by pressing the corresponding key when
it has been placed directly on the keyboard instead of selecting the key
from the menu.
Select the desired currency
conversion key from the currency
conversion keys list.
Select the desired eat-in key from
the eat-in keys list.