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PLU/UPC (continued)
• ENTRY TYPE (Use the selective entry method)
Mode parameter
PRESET : Preset price only
OPEN & PRESET : Open price and preset price
INHIBIT : Inhibited
OPEN : Open price only
For UPC, it is fixed to PRESET .
• BASE QTY (Use the numeric entry method)
Base quantity for each PLU/UPC which is counted each time the item
is entered. (max. 2 digits)
• MINIMUM STOCK (Use the numeric entry method)
Minimum stock quantity for a PLU (max. 7 digits)
• PRICE SHIFT (Use the selective entry method)
ENABLE : Enables PLU/UPC price level shift.
INHIBIT : Inhibits PLU/UPC price level shift.
COMPULSORY : Makes PLU/UPC price level shift compulsory.
When COMPULSORY is selected for a PLU/UPC, repeat
entries of the PLU/UPC are inhibited.
• *ZERO OF P1 thru 6 (Use the selective entry method)
ALLOWED : Allows a zero-price entry.
INHIBIT : Inhibits a zero-price entry.
• COUPON OBJECT (Use the numeric entry method)
Select an object PLU code (max. 5 digits).
A coupon-like PLU is able to link to another PLU (object PLU).
By this programming, the associated coupon PLU cannot be entered
unless the object PLU has been rung up.
(However, the quantity is not affected.)
• Any object PLU should not be programmed as a minus PLU or belong
to any minus department.
• MENU TYPE (Use the selective entry method)
PLU menu type selection
• LINK TBL# (Use the numeric entry method)
Table number for link PLUs (1 thru 99)
• MIX&MATCH TBL# (Use the numeric entry method)
Table number for mix and match (1 thru 99)
• CONDIMENT TBL# (Use the numeric entry method)
Table number for condiment entry (1 thru 99)
For UPC, it is fixed to “00”.