
Appendix | MFX and IFX types and parameters
E-80 Music Workstation
Pre Amp Bright (Off, On)—Turning this “On” produces a
sharper and brighter sound.
* This parameter applies to the “JC-120”, “Clean Twin”, and
“BG Lead” Pre Amp Types.
Speaker Sw (Off, On)—Determines whether the signal
passes through the speaker (ON) or not (OFF).
Speaker Type—Select the type of speaker. The specifica-
tions of each type are as follows. The speaker column indi-
cates the diameter of each speaker unit (in inches) and the
number of units.
Mic Setting (1, 2, 3)—Adjusts the location of the mic
that’s capturing the sound of the speaker. This can be
adjusted in three steps, from 1~3, with the mic becoming
more distant as the value increases.
Mic Level (0~127)—Volume of the microphone.
Direct Level (0~127)—Volume of the direct sound.
Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the output
sound. This is a mono effect that combines incoming sig-
nals. You can, however, place the processed signal any-
where between the left and right channels.
Level (0~127)—Output level.
67. Gate
Cuts the reverb’s decay according to the volume of the sound
sent into the effect. Use this when you want to create an arti-
ficial-sounding decrease in the reverb’s decay.
Threshold (0~127)—Volume level at which the gate begins
to close
Mode (Gate, Duck)—Type of gate. GATE: The gate will close
when the volume of the original sound decreases, cutting
the original sound. DUCK (Ducking): The gate will close
when the volume of the original sound increases, cutting
the original sound.
Attack (0~127)—Adjusts the time it takes for the gate to
fully open after being triggered.
Hold (0~127)—Adjusts the time it takes for the gate to
start closing after the source sound falls beneath the
Release (0~127)—Adjusts the time it takes the gate to
fully close after the hold time.
Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-
ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).
Level (0~127)—Output level.
68. Long Delay
A delay that provides a long delay time.
Delay Time [sync] (msec, Note)—Use this parameter to
specify whether (“Note”) or not (“msec”) the delay time
should be synchronized to the Arranger or Recorder tempo.
Depending on your choice, the setting range of the follow-
ing parameter refers to a time or a note value.
Delay Time [msec] (0~2600ms)—Adjusts the time until
the delay is heard.
Delay Time [note] (Musical Notes)—Delay times can be
set as a note-value of a tempo, if you set the “Sync”
parameter above to “Note”. Specify the value of the desired
Phase (Normal, Inverse)—Phase of the delay (NORMAL:
normal phase, INVERT: inverted).
Feedback (–98%~0~+98%)—Adjusts the amount of the
delay sound that’s fed back into the effect. Negative (–)
settings invert the phase.
Delay HF Damp (200~8000Hz, Bypass)—Adjusts the fre-
quency above which sound fed back to the effect is filtered
out. If you don’t want to filter out any high frequencies, set
this parameter to BYPASS.
Panpot (L64~0~63R)—Stereo location of the output
sound. This is a mono effect that combines incoming sig-
nals. You can, however, place the processed signal any-
where between the left and right channels.
EQ Low Gain (–15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the low fre-
quency range.
EQ High Gain (-15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the high fre-
quency range.
Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Volume bal-
ance between the direct (D) and the effect sound (W).
Level (0~127)—Output level.
69. Serial Delay
This delay connects two delay units in series. Feedback can be
applied independently to each delay unit, allowing you to
produce complex delay sounds.
Delay 1 Time [sync] (msec, Note)—Use this parameter to
specify whether (“Note”) or not (“msec”) the delay 1 time
should be synchronized to the Arranger or Recorder tempo.
Depending on your choice, the setting range of the follow-
ing parameter refers to a time (msec) or a note value.
Delay 1 Time [msec] (0~1300ms)—Delay time from when
sound is input to delay 1 until the delay sound is heard.
Delay 1 Time [note] (musical notes)—Delay times can be
set as a note-value of a tempo, if you set the “Sync”
parameter above to “Note”. Specify the value of the desired
Delay 1 Feedback (–98%~0~+98%)—Proportion of the
delay sound that is to be returned to the input of delay 1
(negative values invert the phase).
Delay 1 HF Damp (200~8000Hz, Bypass)—Frequency at
which the high-frequency content of the delayed sound of
delay 1 will be cut (BYPASS: no cut).
Delay 2 Time [sync] (msec, Note)—Use this parameter to
specify whether (“Note”) or not (“msec”) the delay 2 time
should be synchronized to the Arranger or Recorder tempo.
Depending on your choice, the setting range of the follow-
ing parameter refers to a time (msec) or a note value.
Delay 2 Time [msec] (0~1300ms)—Delay time from when
sound is input to delay 2 until the delay sound is heard.
Type Cabinet Speaker Microphone
SMALL 1 small open-back enclosure 10 dynamic mic
SMALL 2 small open-back enclosure 10 dynamic mic
MIDDLE open back enclosure 12 x 1 dynamic mic
JC-120 open back enclosure 12 x 2 dynamic mic
BUILT IN 1 open back enclosure 12 x 2 dynamic mic
BUILT IN 2 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser mic
BUILT IN 3 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser mic
BUILT IN 4 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser mic
BUILT IN 5 open back enclosure 12 x 2 condenser mic
BG STACK 1 sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser mic
BG STACK 2 large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser mic
MS STACK 1 large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser mic
MS STACK 2 large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser mic
METAL STACK large double stack 12 x 4 condenser mic
2-STACK large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser mic
3-STACK large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 condenser mic