
Advanced Keyboard part functions
E-80 Music Workstation
(3) Switch on the UP1 and UP2 parts (their PART ON/
OFF button must light).
(4) Press the [HIGH] or [LOW] field to switch it on.
Only one of these can be active at any one time. You
can, however, switch them both off. Here is what
“HIGH” and “LOW” mean:
HIGH—If you select this mode and play just one note, it
is sounded by the UP1 part. If you keep holding that key
while pressing another (lower) key to its left, the highest
note is played by the UP1 part, while lower notes are
played by the remaining available Keyboard parts (in our
example, that would be UP2). This is perfect for situa-
tions where you need to play chords and a solo line
using different sounds. Something like this:
LOW—This is the opposite of HIGH and can be used in
situations where the melody (or counter-melody) lies
above the notes you wish to hold.
(5) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the main page.
Tuning Upper2: Coarse Tune and
Fine Tune
The UP2 part can be used as full-fledged solo or melody
sound or to “fatten” the sound of UP1 (or UP3).
To layer the UP1 (or UP3) and UP2 parts, you need to
switch them both on. See page 28 for details.
The following parameters allow you to transpose
(Coarse) or to detune (Fine) the Upper2 part relative to
the Upper1 (or Upper3) part.
You could use COARSE to program an interval of a fifth
(7 semitones) for UP2, which is especially effective for
brass sounds and guitar power chords.
Do not forget to activate both the UP1 (or UP3) and
UP2 parts when you want to take advantage of the
COARSE and FINE parameters. If only the UP2 part is
active, your solos may sound flat.
Note: In WHOLE mode, these parameters can also be used for
layer effects involving the UP2 (which is detuned) and the LW1
and/or LW2 parts (which are not detuned).
(1) Press the [MENU] button.
The display changes to:
(2) Press the [SPLIT&TOUCH] field, followed by the
(3) Press the [COARSE¥TUNE] field if you want to
change the UP2 part’s pitch in semitone steps.
That field now “lights”.
(4) Set the desired value with the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or
the [DEC]/[INC] buttons.
Played by the UP1 part
Played by the UP2 part (for example)
Played by the UP2 part (for example)
Played by the UP1 part