
Song and Style Makeup Tools
E-80 Music Workstation
(If this page is not displayed, press the [PALETTE] field
in the upper left corner.)
All modifications on this page and the related pages
are SysEx data that alter the actual song data (with-
out replacing them). Only the E-80 can read these
data. Other SMF players (and the 16-track Sequencer)
ignore these newly added SysEx data. (There is cur-
rently no other instrument capable of reading the
MSE Style format the E-80 uses, so compatibility is
no issue.)
(2) Use the [ø][˚] fields in the lower right corner to
select the instrument you want to edit.
If you select a Drum Set, the display changes to:
(See page 145 for an explanation of the [PERC¥MUTE]
and [DRUM¥MUTE] fields.)
The [OCTAVE] field disappears (because transposing
the drum part in octave steps doesn’t make sense).
(3) Press the [JUMP¥TO¥1st¥NOTE] field to jump to the
location where the instrument you are about to
change is used.
Playback starts automatically from that point.
If you can barely hear the Tone/Drum Set, press the
[SOLO] field (indicator icon must “light”), then use
[JUMP≈TO¥1st¥NOTE] to jump to the first note of that
instrument. Press [SOLO] again to switch this func-
tion off.
(4) Use the [MUTE] field to switch the selected instru-
ment off.
The corresponding part is no longer played back. (Just
as a reminder: this setting only applies to the
selected instrument and thus not necessarily to the
entire track.)
Note: In the case of the drums, you can mute two instrument
groups separately.
(5) Press the long sound name field (next to the
instrument icon) and use the TONE buttons and
the display to select another sound or Drum Set.
(6) Press the [EXIT] button to return to the SONG
(7) Press the field of another parameter you want to
edit and use the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial or the [DEC]/
[INC] buttons to set the desired value.
You can also press the [DATA÷ENTRY] dial and enter
the value via the on-screen numeric pad.
Most parameter values can be positive or negative, so
remember to also use the [+÷–] field.
(8) Press [UNDO¥CHANGES] to reset all parameters on
this page to their saved settings.
(9) To save your changes at this stage, press the [SAVE]
field and see page 148.
You can also press another field in the top row to
change yet other parameters before saving your
modified song or Style.
Pressing the [PALETTE] field on any of the MAKEUP
TOOLS pages takes you to the following page where
you can set the most fundamental parameters of the
instruments used by the selected song or Style.