
Appendix | MFX and IFX types and parameters
E-80 Music Workstation
40. Flanger/DLY
This effect connects a flanger and a delay in parallel.
Flanger Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay time
from when the direct sound begins until the flanger sound
is heard.
Flanger Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Frequency, i.e. modulation
Flanger Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity.
Flanger Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the propor-
tion of the flanger sound that is fed back into the effect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.
Flanger Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—
Volume balance between the direct sound (D) and the
flanger sound (W).
Delay Time (0.0~500.0ms)—Adjusts the time until the
delay is heard.
Delay Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the amount of
the delay sound that’s fed back into the effect. Negative (–)
settings invert the phase.
Delay HF Damp (200~8000Hz, Bypass)—Adjusts the fre-
quency above which sound fed back to the effect is filtered
out. If you don’t want to filter out any high frequencies, set
this parameter to BYPASS.
Delay Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Adjusts
the volume balance between the sound that is sent
through the delay (W) and the sound that is not sent
through the delay (D).
Level (0~127)—Output level.
41. CHO/Flanger
This effect connects a chorus and a flanger in parallel.
Chorus Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay
between the incoming direct signal and the moment when
the chorus starts working.
Chorus Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Modulation frequency of the
chorus effect.
Chorus Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity of the cho-
rus effect.
Chorus Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—Vol-
ume balance between the direct sound (D) and the chorus
sound (W).
Flanger Pre Delay (0.0~100.0ms)—Adjusts the delay time
from when the direct sound begins until the flanger sound
is heard.
Flanger Rate (0.05~10.0Hz)—Modulation frequency of
the flanger effect.
Flanger Depth (0~127)—Modulation intensity of the
flanger effect.
Flanger Feedback (–98%~0~98%)—Adjusts the propor-
tion of the flanger sound that is fed back into the effect.
Negative (–) settings will invert the phase.
Flanger Balance (D100:0W, D50:50W, D0:100W)—
Volume balance between the direct sound (D) and the
flanger sound (W).
Level (0~127)—Output level.
42. Isolator
This is an equalizer which cuts the volume greatly, allowing
you to add a special effect to the sound by cutting the vol-
ume in varying ranges.
Boost/Cut Low/Mid/High Level (–60~0~4 [dB])—These
boost and cut each of the High, Middle and Low frequency
ranges. At –60dB, the sound becomes inaudible. 0dB is
equivalent to the input level of the sound.
Anti Phase Low Sw (Off, On)—Turns the Anti-Phase func-
tion on and off for the Low frequency ranges. When turned
on, the counter-channel of stereo sound is inverted and
added to the signal.
Anti Phase Low Level (0~127)—Adjusts the level settings
for the Low frequency ranges. Adjusting this level for cer-
tain frequencies allows you to lend emphasis to specific
parts. (This is effective only for stereo source.)
Anti Phase Mid Sw (Off, On)—Turns the Anti-Phase func-
tion on and off for the Middle frequency ranges. When
turned on, the counter-channel of stereo sound is inverted
and added to the signal.
Anti Phase Mid Level (0~127)—Adjusts the level settings
for the Middle frequency ranges. Adjusting this level for
certain frequencies allows you to lend emphasis to specific
parts. (This is effective only for stereo source.)
Low Boost Sw (Off, On)—Turns Low Booster on/off.
This emphasizes the bottom to create a heavy bass sound.
Low Boost Level (0~127)—Increasing this value gives you
a heavier low end. Depending on the Isolator and filter set-
tings this effect may be hard to distinguish.
Level (0~127)—Output level.
43. Low Boost
Boosts the volume of the lower range, creating powerful
Boost Frequency (50~125 [Hz])—Center frequency at
which the lower range will be boosted.
Boost Gain (0~12 [dB])—Amount by which the lower
range will be boosted.
Boost Width (Wide, Mid, Narrow)—Width of the lower
range that will be boosted.
EQ Low Gain (-15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the low fre-
quency range.
EQ High Gain (-15dB~0~15dB)—Gain of the high fre-
quency range.
Level (0~127)—Output level.
44. Super Filter
This is a filter with an extremely sharp slope. The cutoff fre-
quency can be varied cyclically.
Filter Type (LPF, BPF, HPF, NOTCH)—Filter type. Fre-
quency range that will pass through each filter. LPF: fre-
quencies below the cutoff. BPF: frequencies in the region
of the cutoff. HPF: frequencies above the cutoff. NOTCH:
frequencies other than the region of the cutoff.
Filter Slope (–12, –24, –36 [dB])—Amount of attenuation
per octave: –36dB: extremely steep, –24dB: steep, –12dB:
Filter Cutoff (0~127)—Cutoff frequency of the filter.
Increasing this value will raise the cutoff frequency.
Filter Resonance (0~127)—Filter resonance level. Increas-
ing this value will emphasize the region near the cutoff