
© Polycom, Inc. Index - 7
viewing 4-15
Streaming Call screen 4-14
StreamStation 4-13
subnet mask 3-6
subwoofer 1-2
S-Video 2-5
switch protocol, ISDN 3-14, 3-15, 3-16
components 1-61-14
configuration, initial 1-5, 3-1, 3-3
deleting settings 7-7
name 3-2, 4-16
planning A-2, B-1
positioning 2-2
safety D-1
setup wizard 1-5, 3-1, 3-3
time settings 4-24
updating software 3-28
System Information screen 6-2, 7-2
System Management screens 7-2
technical support 7-25
information to provide 7-25
telephone number 7-25
web page address 7-25
telephone, configuring 4-11
audio inputs 7-6
calls 3-27
color bar 7-5
PING 7-17
speaker 7-18
time and date configuration 4-24
touch panel 2-25
configuring 4-11
tracking calls 5-6
troubleshooting 7-17-24, C-1C-5
See also diagnostics
access or connection problems 7-14
audio problems 7-18
camera problems 7-22
cause codes in Call Detail Report C-1
connection problems C-1C-5
diagnostics screens 7-3
error messages 7-16, C-1
LAN problems 7-14
monitor problems 7-19, 7-21
PowerPoint problems 7-22
Quad BRI/PRI indicator lights 7-9
remote control problems 7-13
remote management 7-19
sending a message 7-2
system indicator lights 7-8
system management screens 7-2
via the web 7-1
video problems 7-21
voice tracking problems 7-22
TV Monitors screen 4-7
user interface, customizing 4-14-24
See also user settings
user limitations 4-5, 4-17
allow directory updates 4-17
configuring screen access 4-4
maximum call time 4-17
user settings 4-14-24
User Setup screen 4-4
user skill levels 4-2
V.35 2-10
VCR 1-13, 2-23, 4-10
connecting 2-24
inputs 2-24
optional, 1-13, 2-23, 4-10
recording calls 4-10
selecting 7-20
testing 7-6
troubleshooting 7-20
monitor 1-13, 2-21
resolution 1-12, 2-16
VGA Input screen 4-9
call preferences 3-4
data rate 6-3
protocol 6-3
quality 1-2, 2-5, 7-21
troubleshooting 7-19, 7-20, 7-21
ViewStation FX/VS4000
cable to network interface module 2-14
CSU 2-13