To enable Basic Mode using the Polycom QDX 6000 Web interface:
1 On a computer, open a web browser.
2 In the browser address line, enter the system’s IP address, for example,, to go to the Polycom QDX 6000 web interface.
3 Go to Admin Settings > Network > Call Preference.
4 Select Enable Basic Mode.
General Troubleshooting
This section presents problems, likely causes, and corrective actions. It is
organized by category to help you troubleshoot any issue.
Power and Start-up
Access to Screens and Systems
Error Indications
Power and Start-up
Symptom Problem Corrective Action
The power switch is off. Turn on the power switches for the system and all
equipment connected to it.
The power cord is not
Make sure that the system’s power cord is in place, and
that it is connected to a power outlet.
The system does
not start or respond
in any way.
The power outlet is not
active, or the system’s
power supply is not
operating properly.
If you connect the system’s power cord to a power
strip, be sure the power strip is connected to a power
outlet and its power switch is on.
Check the power outlet by unplugging the system and
plugging in a lamp, radio, or other small appliance. If it
does not operate, the outlet is not active - connect the
system to a different outlet. If it does not operate, the
outlet is not active - connect the system to a different
outlet. If the outlet is active, the problem could be in the
system’s power supply.