Using the MFP menus
Utilities Menu
Use the Utilities Menu to print a variety of listings relating to available MFP resources, settings, and print jobs. Other menu
items let you set up MFP hardware and troubleshoot problems.
Menu item Purpose Values and descriptions
Factory Defaults Returns the MFP settings to the factory
default values.
This menu item is also available in the
Setup Menu.
Restore Now • All menu items are returned to
the factory default values except:
— Display Language
— All settings in the Fax, E-mail,
and FTP Settings menu items,
the Standard Parallel and
Parallel <x> menu items, the
Standard Serial and Serial
<x> menu items, the Standard
Network and Network <x>
menu items, and the Standard
USB and USB <x> menu
• All downloaded resources (fonts,
macros, and symbol sets) in
MFP memory (RAM) are
deleted. (Resources residing in
flash memory are unaffected.)
Do Not Restore* User-defined settings remain.
Remove Held
Removes confidential and held jobs
from the MFP hard disk.
The menu item appears if a hard disk
is installed containing held or
confidential jobs.
Not Restored
Selecting a value only affects jobs
that are resident in the MFP.
Bookmarks, jobs on USB flash
memory devices, and other types of
held jobs are not affected.
Format Flash Formats the flash memory.
Do not turn off the MFP while the flash
is formatting.
Note: This menu item only appears if a
nondefective optional flash memory
card, which is not write or read/write
protected, is installed.
Yes Deletes any data stored in flash
memory and prepares the flash
memory to receive new resources.
No* Cancels the request to format the
flash memory and leaves current
resources stored in flash memory.
Job Acct Stat Prints a listing of all job statistics
stored on the hard disk or clears all
statistics on the hard disk.
Warning: Clear appears as a value
only if Job Accounting is not set to
Note: This menu item only appears if
the hard disk is not write or read/write
password protected.
Print Prints all statistics available for the
most recent print jobs.
Clear Deletes all accumulated job
statistics from the hard disk. As the
MFP deletes all stored job
statistics, the message Clearing
job accounting statistics
appears as the jobs are deleted.
Activate Hex
Helps isolate the source of a print job
problem. With Hex Trace selected, all
data sent to the MFP is printed in
hexadecimal and character
representation. Control codes are not
Touch Activate Hex Trace to enter
Hex Trace mode.
To exit Hex Trace mode, turn the
MFP off, wait 15 seconds, and then
turn the MFP on.
Provides an estimate of the
percentage of coverage of cyan,
magenta, yellow, and black on a page.
The estimate is printed on a separator
Off* Percent coverage is not printed.
On Prints the estimated percentage of
coverage for each color on the