Using the MFP menus
Resource Save Specifies what the MFP does
with downloaded resources,
such as fonts and macros
stored in RAM, if the MFP
receives a job that requires
more memory than is
Note: This menu item is not
available from the control
panel. It is only available on
the MFP Embedded Web
Off* The MFP retains downloaded resources only
until memory is needed. It then deletes those
resources associated with the inactive printer
On The MFP retains all downloaded resources
for all printer languages during language
changes and MFP resets. If the MFP runs out
of memory, 38 Memory Full appears.
Banner Page Specifies if the print job
should be printed as a
Banner Page.
Note: This menu item is not
available from the control
panel. It is only available on
the MFP Embedded Web
To set to Off, clear the check box.
To set to On, select the check box.
Factory Defaults Returns MFP settings to the
factory default values.
Restore Now • All menu items are returned to the factory
default values except:
— Display Language
— All settings in the Fax, E-mail, and FTP
Settings menu items, the Standard
Parallel and Parallel <x> menu items,
the Standard Serial and Serial <x>
menu items, the Standard Network and
Network <x> menu items, and the
Standard USB and USB <x> menu
• All downloaded resources (fonts, macros,
and symbol sets) in printer memory (RAM)
are deleted. (Resources residing in flash
memory or on the hard disk are
Do Not Restore* User-defined settings remain.
Menu item Purpose Values and descriptions