Overview - What is KARMA? KARMA function settings
how the KARMA modules play the timbres. These are
the most important settings when using multiple
KARMA modules in a combination.
1. Access the Combination P7: KARMA– GE
Setup/Key Zones page.
2. Specify the “Input Channel” and “Output
Channel” of each KARMA module.
“Input Channel”: For a combination, you will
normally set this to Gch so that your keyboard
playing will control the KARMA module.
“Output Channel”: Set this to the MIDI channel of
the timbre(s) that should be played by this KARMA
Gch Also: This option is available if Input Channel
is set to other than Gch. If you select (check) this
option, a module that would normally be triggered
only by the Input Channel will also be triggered by
the Gch. (Gch, Global 1–1a)
Timbre Thru: If this option is on (checked), timbres
differing from the global MIDI channel will sound
when the KARMA function is off.
Setting example 1:
This example shows how the “Gch Also” option
1. Set MIDI Channel for the following timbres as
Timbre 1: G ch
Timbre 2: 2 ch
Timbre 3: 3 ch
Timbre 4: 4 ch
Timbre 5: 5 ch
2. Set the MIDI channels for the pads as follows.
Pad 1: MIDI channel = 2 ch
Pad 2: MIDI channel = 3 ch
Pad 3: MIDI channel = 4 ch
Pad 4: MIDI channel = 5 ch
3. For each KARMA module, set “Input Channel”
and “Output Channel” as follows.
KARMA module A: “Input Ch” = 2 ch, “Out Ch”= 2
KARMA module B: “Input Ch” = 3 ch, “Out Ch”= 3
KARMA module C: “Input Ch” = 4 ch, “Out Ch”= 4
KARMA module D: “Input Ch” = 5 ch, “Out Ch”= 5
4. Turn the KARMA function off.
When you play the keyboard, timbre 1 will sound.
When you strike pads 1–4, timbres 2–5 will sound.
5. Turn the KARMA function on.
When you play the keyboard, timbre 1 will sound.
When you strike pads 1–4, KARMA modules A–D
will each trigger a different GE which will play
phrases or patterns on timbres 2–5.
6. For KARMA module A, turn “Gch Also” on
7. Turn off the KARMA function.
When you play the keyboard, timbre 1 will sound.
When you strike pads 1–4, timbres 2–5 will sound.
8. Turn on the KARMA function.
When you play the keyboard, timbre 1 will sound.
KARMA module A for which you turned “Gch
Also” on (checked) will trigger its GE and play a
phrase or pattern on timbre 2.
When you strike pads 1–4, KARMA modules A–D
will trigger their respective GEs and play phrases or
patterns on timbres 2–5.
Setting example 2:
This example shows how the “Timbre Thru” option
Select a piano program for timbre 1, a bass program for
timbre 2, and a drum program for timbre 3.
We’ll play timbre 1 manually from the keyboard.
KARMA module A will be used to play a bass phrase
on timbre 2, and KARMA module B to play a drum
phrase on KARMA module B. (Make sure that the
global MIDI channel is 01.)
1. Set the MIDI Channel for timbres 1, 2, and 3.
For this example, set timbre 1 to 01, timbre 2 to 02,
and timbre 3 to 03. Since each timbre is set to a
separate channel, the KARMA module set to the
corresponding channel will play only that timbre.
2. Set the “Input Channel” and “Output Channel” of
each KARMA module as follows.
KARMA module A: “Input Ch” = G ch, “Out Ch”=