Dynamic modulation, MIDI/Tempo Sync, and Common FX LFO
If you want to save the edited settings in the
OASYS, you must write them. Use the Global mode
page menu command Write Global Setting to do
9. If you want to use the Global mode Input settings
in the other modes, check the “Use Global
Setting” option.
If you want to make independent settings for
programs, combinations, and songs, uncheck this
Dynamic modulation, MIDI/Tempo Sync, and Common FX LFO
Dynamic modulation (Dmod)
Dynamic modulation (Dmod) lets you use MIDI
messages or the OASYS’s controllers to modulate
specific effect parameters in real-time.
For more information, see “Dynamic Modulation
Sources (Dmod)” on page 976 of the Parameter Guide.
Dmod Example
As an example, let’s set up dynamic modulation to
control an effect parameter in realtime.
1. As described in the procedure for “Program
Effects settings” on page 185, set IFX1 to 091: L/C/R
BPM Delay. Verify that you’re hearing a delay
2. Go to the Program P8: Insert Effect– IFX1 page.
Using Dmod to change the delay level via the
3. Set Input Level Dmod to +100.
4. Set Source to JS+Y: CC#01.
The delay sound will disappear.
The input level to the effect can be controlled by the
joystick. As you move the joystick away from yourself,
the delay sound will gradually increase.
Using Dmod to change the feedback level via SW1
5. In the P1: Basic/Vector– Set Up Controllers page,
set the SW1 function to SW1 Mod.CC#80, and the
Mode to Toggle.
6. Choose P8. Set the Feedback Source to SW1 Mod.
(CC#80), and set Amount to +30.
When you move the joystick away from yourself and
press the SW1 switch, the feedback level will increase,
and the delay sound will continue for a longer time.
The Amount setting specifies the feedback level that
will be in effect when the SW1 switch is pressed. If
Amount is set to –10, pressing the SW1 switch will
reduce the feedback level to 0.
MIDI/Tempo Sync
MIDI/Tempo Sync lets you synchronize effects LFOs
and delay times to the system tempo. For more
information, see “Tempo Synchronization” on
page 729 of the Parameter Guide.
Using the MIDI/Tempo Sync function to
synchronize the delay time to KARMA tempo
1. Set up the effects as described under “Dmod
Example” on page 191.
2. Set BPM to MIDI.