Saving data Writing to internal memory
Combination P0: Play– Prog Select/Mixer
“Category” (Category/Program Select)
Sequencer P0: Play/REC– MIDI Track Prog Select/
Mixer “Category” (Category/Program Select)
6. Use “To” to specify the bank and number of the
writing destination program/combination.
Use the VALUE controllers or the BANK switches to
make your selection.
7. To execute the Write operation, press the OK
button. To cancel without executing press the
Cancel button.
When you press the OK button, the display will ask
“Are you sure?” When you press the OK button once
again, the data will be written.
switch to write
This method can only be used to write the selected
program/combination number.
1. Press the SEQUENCER REC/WRITE switch.
The following Update Program/Update
Combination dialog box will appear.
The screen shown is for Program mode
2. To write the data, press the OK button. To cancel
without writing, press the Cancel button.
Writing Drum Kits and Wave Sequences
Here’s how a drum kit or wave sequence you’ve edited
in Global mode can be written into the internal
memory of the OASYS.
The Wave Sequence “Tempo,” “Key Sync,”
“Swing,” and “Quantize Trigger” settings are stored
with each program, combination, or song. These
parameters are not saved by writing the wave
sequence as described here. If you’ve moved from
Program or Combination mode and edited these
parameters, return to the previous mode and write
your edits.
Using the page menu Write command
1. Press the page menu button, and press “Write
Drum Kit” or “Write Wave Sequence” in the
The Write Drum Kit/Write Wave Sequence dialog box
will appear.
Note: You can get the same dialog box by holding
down the ENTER switch and pressing the 0 switch.
(See “Shortcuts” on page 182)
The screen shown is for Drum Kit
2. Verify the name of the write-source drum kit or
wave sequence shown in the upper line.
3. If you want to edit the name of the drum kit or
wave sequence, press the text edit button.
The text edit dialog box will appear. Input the desired
name for the drum kit or wave sequence. (See “Editing
names” on page 166)
When you’ve input the name, press the OK button to
return to the Write Drum Kit/Write Wave Sequence
dialog box.
4. Use the “To” field to specify the bank and number
of the write-destination drum kit or wave
Use the VALUE controller or BANK switches to specify
the desired setting.
5. To write the data, press the OK button. If you
decide not to write, press the Cancel button.
When you press the OK button, the display will ask
“Are you sure?” Press the OK button once again to
write the data.
switch to write
You can use this method to write the selected drum kit
or wave sequence.
1. Press the SEQUENCER REC/WRITE switch.
The Update Drum Kit/Update Wave Sequence
dialog box will appear.
The screen shown is for Drum Kit
2. To write the data, press the OK button. If you
decide not to write, press the Cancel button.
About the Edit Buffer
When you select a program, combination, wave
sequence, or drum kit in Program P0: Play,
Combination P0: Play, Global P4: Wave Sequencer, or
Global P5: Drum Kit respectively, the data is called into
the edit buffer of the OASYS.
When you then use the various Program or
Combination pages or Global mode P4/P5 pages to
edit the parameters, your changes will affect the data
in the edit buffer.