Settings for the entire OASYS (Global mode)
• In Program and Combi modes, if KARMA is off,
note-ons are synchronized with the sounding
Tempo-mode Wave Sequence, if any.
• In Program and Combi modes, if KARMA is on,
note-ons are synchronized with KARMA.
• In Sequence mode during playback or recording,
note-ons are synchronized with the sequence.
• In Sequence mode, while the sequencer is stopped,
note-ons are synchronized with RPPR and
Each Program, each Combi Timbre, and each Track in a
Song has its own Quantize Triggers setting.
To turn on Quantize Triggers in a Program:
1. Go to the Program Basic tab of the Basic/Vector
2. Check the Quantize Triggers box.
To turn on Quantize Triggers in a Combi or Song:
1. Go to the Wave Sequence/KARMA tab of the
Timbre Parameters page (for Combis), or Track
Parameters page (for Songs).
Each of the 16 Timbres or Tracks has its own Quantize
Triggers parameter. If you like, you can set them all
2. Set the Quantize Triggers check-boxes as you like.
How Quantize Triggers works
The Quantize Triggers feature tries to make a good
guess at where you intended the note to be. If you play
the note just a bit late–within a 32nd note of the 8th
note–it will assume that you meant the note to sound
on the beat that just passed. In this case, the note will
play immediately.
On the other hand, if you play the note up to three
32nd notes early, it will assume that you’re intending
the note to sound on the next beat. In this case, the
note-on is delayed until the next 8th note.
Quantize Triggers
Creating smooth, evolving timbres
Crossfaded Wave Sequences
To create a smooth, crossfading Wave Sequence:
1. On the Seq Parameters page, set the Mode to Time.
This turns off tempo synchronization, so that you can
set Wave Sequence durations in milliseconds.
2. Set Run to On.
This is the default setting; the Wave Sequence will
move from step to step automatically.
3. Select the Multisamples that you’d like to use, and
set the Start, End, and loop steps as desired.
4. On the Step Parameters page, set the Durations to
relatively long values, 500ms or more.
5. Set the Xfade parameters to long values as well.
To crossfade continually, without pausing to hear a
single step on its own, set the Xfade times the same as
the Durations.
Note: In Time mode, the actual crossfade time cannot
exceed the total duration of the two steps being
crossfaded. If the Xfade setting would exceed this
limit, the crossfade time will be clipped internally.
6. Adjust the step Levels to smooth out perceived
volume differences between different
7. Adjust the Fade-In and Fade-Out shapes to taste.
The shapes can help you to fine-tune the transitions
between the steps.
Stretching or compressing the sequence
If you like the proportions of the step durations and
crossfades, but want the whole sequence to go faster or
slower. The Exp/Comp (Expand/Compress) button
makes this easy:
1. On the Step Parameters page, press the Exp/Comp
A dialog box will appear.
Wave Sequence Rhythm