This note symbol indicates points of par-
ticular inte rest for more efficient and con-
venient operation.
Indicates a procedural step or work to be
Indicates a procedural sub-step or how to do
the work of the procedural step it follows. It
also precedes the text of a NOTE.
Indicates a conditional step or what action to
take based on the results of the test or inspec-
tion in the procedural step or sub-step it fol-
In most chapters an exploded view illustration
of the system components follows the Table of
Contents. In these illustrations you will find the
instructions indicating which parts require spec-
ified tightening torque, oil, grease or a locking
agent during assembly.
This model, JT1500A, is mounted with a four
-stroke engine.
When the JET SKI
watercraft is submerged
and swamped, the four-stroke engine needs
special care and systematic procedure for re-
covery compared with the two-stroke engine.
Therefore in this manual, such procedures,
which are not shown in SMs for two-stroke
engines, are explained thoroughly to cope with
the cases.
Refer to the section, After submerging in
Chapter 9, Cooling and Bilge Systems for the
summary and detailed procedures.