Camshaft, Camshaft Chain
Camshaft, Camshaft Cap Wear
Cut strips of plastigage (press gauge) to journal width.
Place a strip on each journal parallel to the camshaft in-
stalled in the correct position.
Measure each clearance between the camshaft journal
and the camshaft cap using plastigage [A].
Torque - Camshaft Cap Bolts: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 104 in·lb)
Upper Camshaft Chain Guide Bolts: 1 2 N·m (1.2
kgf·m, 104 in·lb)
Do not turn the camshaft when the plastigage is be-
tween the journal and camshaft cap.
Camshaft Journal, Camshaft Cap Clearance
Standard: 0.028 ∼ 0.071 mm (0.0011 ∼ 0.0028 in.)
Service Limit: 0.16 mm (0.006 in.)
If any clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the
diameter of each camshaft journal with a micrometer.
Camshaft Journal Diameter
Standard: 23.950 ∼ 23.972 mm (0.9429 ∼ 0.9438 in.)
Service Limit: 23.92 mm (0.942 in.)
If the camshaft journal diameter is less than the s ervice
limit, replace the camshaft with a new one and measure
the clearance again
If the clearance still remains out of the limit, replace the
cylinder head with camshaft cap.
Camshaft Runout
Remove the camshaft (see Camshaft Removal).
Set the camshaft on V blocks.
Measure runout with a dial gauge at the specified place
as shown.
If the runout exceeds the service limit, replace the
Camshaft Runout
Standard: TIR 0.02 mm (0.0008 in.) or less
Service Limit: TIR 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
Cam Wear
Remove the camshaft (see Camshaft Removal).
Measure the height [A] of each cam with a micrometer.
If the cams are worn down past the service limit, replace
the camshaft.
Cam Height
36.143 ∼ 36.257 mm (1.4229 ∼ 1.4274 in.)
36.440 ∼ 36.554 mm (1.4346 ∼ 1.4391 in.)
Service Limit:
36.04 mm (1.419 in.)
36.34 mm (1.431 in.)