Troubleshooting Guide
Fuel to injector insufficient (DFI)
Fuel tank air vent obstructed
Fuel line clogged
Fuel pump trouble (DFI)
Injector clogged
Throttle body assy loose
Throttle body assy gasket damaged
Fuel line clogged
Fuel pump operates intermittently
Inlet air temperature sensor trouble
Throttle sensor trouble
Inlet air pressure sensor trouble
Compression low
Spark plug loose
Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened
No valve clearance
Cylinder, piston worn
Piston ring bad (worn, weak, broken, or
Piston ring/groove clearance excessive
Cylinder head gasket damaged
Cylinder head warped
Valve spring broken or weak
Valve not seating properly (valve bent,
worn, or carbon accumulation on the
seating surface.)
Carbon built up in combustion chamber
Fuel poor quality or incorrect
Spark plug incorrect
IC igniter in ECU trouble
Camshaft position sensor trouble
Crankshaft sensor trouble
Ignition coil trouble
Inlet air temperature sensor trouble
Throttle valve won’t fully open
Engine overheating
Engine oil level too high
Engine oil viscosity too high
Air suction valve trouble
Camshaft cam worn
Firing incorrect
Spark plug dirty, broken, or maladjusted
Spark plug incorrect
IC igniter in ECU trouble
Fuel/air mixture incorrect
Air filter poorly sealed
Air filter O-ring damaged
Compression high
Carbon built up in combustion chamber
Engine load faulty
Engine oil level too high
Engine oil viscosity too high
Lubrication inadequate
Engine oil level too l ow
Engine oil poor quality or incorrect
Oil cooler incorrect
Oil cooler clogged
Sensor incorrect
Water temperature sensor broken
Over Cooling
Sensor incorrect
Water temperature sensor broken
Abnormal Engine Noise
IC igniter in ECU trouble
Carbon built up in combustion chamber
Fuel poor quality or incorrect
Spark p lug incorrect
Piston slap
Cylinder/piston clearance excessive
Cylinder, piston worn
Connecting rod bent
Piston pin, piston pin hole worn
Valve noise
Valve clearance incorrect
Camshaft bearing worn
Valve lifter worn
Other noise
Connecting rod small end clearance exces-
Connecting rod big end clearance exces-
Piston ring/groove clearance excessive
Piston ring worn, broken, or stuck
Piston ring groove worn
Piston seizure, damage
Cylinder head gasket leaking
Crankshaft runout excessive
Engine mount loose
Crankshaft bearing worn
Camshaft chain tensioner trouble
Camshaft chain, sprocket, guide worn
Air suction valve damaged
Magneto flywheel loose
Oil Pressure Warning Light Goes On
Oil pump damaged
Oil screen clogged
Oil filter clogged
Engine oil level too low
Engine oil viscosity too low
Camshaft bearing worn
Crankshaft bearing worn