Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
SCSI requirements.
Table 35: Extended Link Service request 11h qualifiers
If a Loop Initialization frame is received when the Port is not performing a Loop Initialization Procedure, it will be responded
to by an LS_RJT containing a reason code of “Command not supported” and a reason code explanation of “No additional
explanation”. This also applies to all unsupported link services, as defined by Table 34.
17.3.1 Link Service Accept (LS_ACC)
LS_ACC is used in response to an Extended Link Service Request. It indicates that the request has been completed.
The LS_ACC payload depends upon the Extended Link Service Request and is therefore described separately for each of the
17.3.3 “Port Login (PLOGI)”
17.3.4 “Logout (LOGO)”
17.3.5 “Fabric Login (FLOGI)”
17.3.6 “Fabric Address Notification (FAN)”
17.3.7 “Port Discovery (PDISC)”
17.3.8 “Address Discovery (ADISC)”
17.3.9 “Process Login (PRLI)”
17.3.10 “Process Logout (PRLO)”
17.3.11 “Read Link Error Status Block (RLS)”
17.3.12 “Report Node Capabilities (RNC)”
17.3.13 “Re-instate Recovery Qualifiers (RRQ)”
17.3.14 “Third Party Process Logout (TPRLO)”
17.3.15 “Request Node Identification Data (RNID)”
17.3.16 “Report Port Speed Capabilities (RPSC)”
Code Description Abbr.
01h Select Master LISM
02h Fabric Assign AL_PA LIFA
03h Previously Acquired AL_PA LIPA
04h Hard Assigned AL_PA LIHA
05h Soft Assigned AL_PA LISA
06h Report AL_PA Position Map LIRP
07h Loop AL_PA Position Map LILP