
Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
21.19 Idle Time Function
The drive periodically saves data in logs and PFA counters in the reserved area of the disks. The information is used by the
drive to support various SCSI commands and for the purpose of failure analysis.
21.20 Command Time out Limits
The 'Command Time-out Limits' are defined as the time period from the SCSI Arbitration phase through the SCSI Task com-
plete message, associated with a particular command.
The following times are for environments where Automatic Reallocation is disabled and there are no queued commands.
21.20.1 Reassignment Time
The drive should be allowed a minimum of 5 seconds to complete a “Reassign Blocks” command.
21.20.2 Format Time
Approximately 90/45/25 minutes should be allowed for 300/147/73 GB capacity drives to complete a "Format Unit" command
when certification is disabled. Allow 180/90/50 minutes when certification is enabled. If "Fast Format" is enabled via the
FFMT bit in mode page 00h, allow 30 seconds for completion.
21.20.3 Start/Stop Unit Time
The drive should be allowed a minimum of 30 seconds to complete a “Start Stop Unit” command (with Immed bit = 0). Initia-
tors should also use this time to allow startup sequences initiated by auto start ups and “Start Stop Unit” commands (with
Immed bit = 1) to complete and place the drive in a “ready for use” state.
Note: A time-out of one minute or more is recommended but NOT required. The larger system time-out limit allows the
system to take advantage of the extensive ERP/DRP that the drive may attempt in order to successfully complete the startup