Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
19.4.1 Parameter List Header
Following is the format of the Paramter List Header sent during the data out phase when FmtData is set to one.
Table 102: Format of the Parameter List Header
• FOV (Format Options Valid) bit set to zero indicates that the Target should use its default settings for the DPRY (0),
DCRT (1), STPF (1), IP (0), and DSP (1) bits. These bits must all be set to zero in the Parameter List Header when
FOV=0, or the command will be terminated with Check Condition status, sense key of Illegal Request, and addi-
tional sense code of Invalid Field in Parameter List.. FOV=1 indicates that the values set in DPRY, DCRT, STPF, IP,
and DSP will be defined as specified below.
• DPRY (Disable Primary) bit set to zero indicates that the Target does not use portions of the medium identified as defec-
tive in the primary defect Plist for Initiator addressable logical blocks. If the Target cannot locate the Plist or it cannot
determine whether a Plist exists, theTarget terminates the FORMAT UNIT command as described for STPF=1. A
DPRY bit set to one indicates that the Target does not use the Plist to identify defective areas of the medium. The Plist
is not deleted. DPRY must be set to 0 when DCRT is set to 0.
• DCRT (Disable Certification) bit set to zero indicates that the Target performs a medium certification operation and gen-
erates a Certification List (Clist), and adds the Clist to the Glist. DPRY must be set to 0 when DCRT is set to 0. A
DCRT bit of one indicates that the Target does not generate a Clist or perform a certification process.
Note: Since the DCRT bit is part of the Data Out phase that follows the FORMAT command, the FCERT bit in
Mode Page 0 is provided to control certification when the FORMAT command is issued with no Data Out
phase. If a FORMAT command is issued with a Data Out phase then FCERT is ignored.
• STPF (Stop Format) bit must be set to one. If one or both of the following conditions occurs, the Target terminates the
FORMAT UNIT command with Check Condition status. The sense key is set to Medium Error and the additional
sense code is set to Defect List Not Found if the first condition occurred or to Defect List Error if the second condi-
tion occurred.
• The Target cannot locate a required Dlist nor determine that the list exists.
•The Target encounters an unrecoverable error while accessing a required Dlist.
• IP (Initialization Pattern) bit set to zero specifies that an initialization pattern descriptor is not included and all customer
data will be initialized to zeroes. An IP bit of one specifies that an Initialization Pattern Descriptor is included in the
FORMAT UNIT parameter list following the parameter list header.
0 Reserved = 0
(MSB) Defect List Length
4-n Initialization Pattern Descriptor
(n+1) - m Defect Descriptor