
Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Note: All values are in hex format. An AL_PA value of 0x00 is not valid for an NL_Port. A SEL_ID of 0x7F forces the
drive to obtain a soft address. P_ESI_n Function
The SEL_N (TTL compatible) I/O's (defined when -Parallel ESI is asserted) provide an interface between the enclosure and
the drive. When signals are defined as outputs, they are configured as open-drain drivers with 4mA sink capability.
When the drive asserts -Parallel ESI, it goes through a 'discovery' process (see SFF-8067) to determine the level of enclosure
service supported by the backplane. The outcome of the 'discovery' process is that the backplane:
1. Does not support enclosure services or
2. Supports SFF-8045 enclosure services or
3. Supports SFF-8067 enclosure services
The definition of the signals are summarized in the table below:
8 D928A74867682E
9 D629A64966692D
A D52AA54A65 6A2C
B D42BA34B63 6B2B
C D32C9F4C5C6C2A
D D22D9E4D5A6D29
E D12E9D4E596E27
F CE2F9B4F566F26
10 CD 30 98 50 55 70 25
11 CC 31 97 51 54 71 23
12 CB 32 90 52 53 72 1F
13 CA 33 8F 53 52 73 1E
14 C9 34 88 54 51 74 1D
15 C7 35 84 55 4E 75 1B
16 C6 36 82 56 4D 76 18
17 C5 37 81 57 4C 77 17
18 C3 38 80 58 4B 78 10
19 BC 39 7C 59 4A 79 F
1A BA 3A 7A 5A 49 7A 8
1B B9 3B 79 5B 47 7B 4
1C B6 3C 76 5C 46 7C 2
1D B5 3D 75 5D 45 7E 1
1E B4 3E 74 5E 43 7E NA
1F B3 3F 73 5F 3C 7F -