changing print options in the default print settings dialog
Click the Printer Settings taskbar icon.
The Default Print Settings dialog box appears. It allows you to change
the default print quality.
Select the following options:
• Print Quality: Draft, Normal, or Best
Click outside of the dialog box.
A dialog box appears saying that the selections made determine what
print settings the printer will use when printing. Select Don’t show me this
message again to eliminate this message in the future.
Click OK.
using printer settings taskbar icon shortcuts
Right-click the Printer Settings taskbar icon.
A shortcut menu appears displaying the names of installed printers. A
check mark appears next to the selected printer. You can select another
printer from the menu to change the default printer.
Choose one of these options:
• Change Default Print Settings to open the Properties dialog box.
•Click Open Toolbox to open the HP Deskjet Toolbox.
•Click Exit to turn off the Printer Settings taskbar icon.
See also:
the hp deskjet toolbox