
globally assigned addressing 7-21
menu access 7-5
multiple addresses in VLAN 7-3, 7-9
subnet 7-3, 7-9
subnet mask 7-3, 7-6
Time-To-Live 7-7, 7-11
traffic priority based on ToS field 15-25
TTL 7-7, 7-11
using for web browser interface 4-5
web access 7-11
IP address
assigning 16-9
CIDR notation 16-9
IP forwarding cache 16-5
IP global parameters 16-6
IP interface parameters 16-8
IP preserve
DHCP server 7-17
overview 7-17
rules, operating 7-17
summary of effect 7-20
IP route exchange protocols 16-6
IP route table 16-4
IP routing
ARP cache table 16-3
changing ARP parameters 16-10
changing router ID 16-9
configuring static routes 16-16
default route 16-19
DHCP Relay configuration 16-72
directed broadcasts 16-13
forwarding cache 16-5
forwarding parameters 16-12
global parameters 16-6
configuration 16-14
interface parameters 16-8
IRDP configuration 16-69
null static route 16-19
area configuration 16-39
area information 16-54
assigning area range 16-41
configuration 16-33
displaying configuration and status 16-52
displaying routing table 16-67
enabling 16-39
enabling redistribution 16-49
general information 16-52
overview 16-33
redistribution information 16-63
totally stubby area 16-40
overview 16-2
parameter configuring 16-9
Proxy ARP, enabling 16-12
configuration 16-20
displaying configuration and status 16-26
enabling 16-22
general information 16-27
interface information 16-29
overview 16-20
parameters and defaults 16-21
peer information 16-30
redistribution information 16-32
restrict filter information 16-32
route exchange protocols 16-6
routing table 16-4
static route configuration 16-18
static route types 16-16
tables and caches 16-3
VLAN interface 16-2
IP, for SNMP 10-2
IP, type of service
configuring priority 15-25
network number B-6
IPX, broadcast 9-4
configuring 16-69
displaying information 16-71
enabling globally 16-70
enabling on VLAN interface 16-70
6 Index