Switch Memory and Configuration
Using the Menu and Web Browser Interfaces To Implement Configuration Changes
face, the switch discards the configuration changes made while using the CLI.
To ensure that changes made while using the CLI are saved, execute write
memory in the CLI before rebooting the switch.
Rebooting from the Menu Interface
Terminates the current session and performs a reset of the operating
Activates any configuration changes that require a reboot
Resets statistical counters to zero
(Note that statistical counters can be reset to zero without rebooting the
switch. See “Displaying Port Counters” on
page B-11.)
To Reboot the switch, use the Reboot Switch option in the Main Menu. (Note
that the Reboot Switch option is not available if you log on in Operator mode;
that is, if you enter an Operator password instead of a manager password at
the password prompt.)
Reboot Switch option
Figure 5-4. The Reboot Switch Option in the Main Menu
Rebooting To Activate Configuration Changes. Configuration changes
for most parameters become effective as soon as you save them. However,
you must reboot the switch in order to implement a change in the Maximum
VLANs to support