Receiving Information from the Logic Analysis
After receiving a query (logic analysis system instruction followed by
a question mark), the system interrogates the requested function and
places the answer in its output queue. The answer remains in the
output queue until it is read or until another command is issued.
When read, the message is transmitted across the bus to the
designated listener (typically a controller). The input statement for
receiving a response message from the system’s output queue usually
has two parameters: the device address and a format specification for
handling the response message.
All results for queries sent in a program message must be read before
another program message is sent. For example, when you send the
query :SYSTEM:LONGFORM?, you must follow that query with an
input statement. In BASIC, this is usually done with an ENTER
statement and in C with a read command.
The format for handling the response messages is dependent on both
the controller and the programming language.
Example To read the result of the query command :SYSTEM:LONGFORM? you
can execute this BASIC statement to enter the current setting for the
long form command in the numeric variable Setting.
ENTER XXX; Setting