Command :INTermodule:TREE <module>,<module>,<module>,
The TREE command allows an intermodule setup to be specified in one
command. The first five (or ten, with an HP 16501A connected) parameters
are the intermodule arm values for modules A through E for an HP 16500C
alone or modules A through J with an HP 16501A connected. The last
parameter corresponds to the intermodule arm value for PORT OUT. A –1
means the module is not in the intermodule tree, a 0 value means the module
is armed from the Intermodule run button (Group run), and a positive value
indicates the module is being armed by another module with the slot location
1 to 10. 1 through 10 correspond to slots A through J.
An integer, −1 through 5 for an HP 16500C alone. −1 through 10 with an
HP 16501A connected.
Example OUTPUT XXX;":INTERMODULE:TREE 0,0,2,–1,–1,2"
The following figure shows the result of the example output commands:
Group Run
INTermodule Subsystem