MESR<N> (Module Event Status Register)
Query :MESR<N>?
The MESR query returns the contents of the Module Event Status register.
The <N> index specifies the module. For the HP 16500C alone, the <N>
index 0 through 5 refers to system and modules 1 through 5 respectively.
With an HP 16501A connected, the <N> index 6 through 10 refers to modules
6 through 10 respectively.
Refer to table 10-9 for information about the Module Event Status Register 0
bits and their bit weights.
See Also MESR in the Programmer’s Guide for a specific module for the
interpretation of that module’s Event Status Register.
Returned Format
[:MESR<N>] <enable_value><NL>
<N> An integer 0 through 1.
<enable_value> An integer from 0 through 255
Example OUTPUT XXX;":MESR1?"
Table 10-9 HP 16500C Mainframe Module Event Status Register (<N>=0)
Bit Bit Weight Bit Name Condition
7 128 not used
6 64 not used
5 32 not used
4 16 not used
3 8 not used
2 4 not used
1 2 RNT 0 = Intermodule Run until not satisfied
1 = Intermodule Run until satisfied
0 1 MC 0 = Intermodule Measurement not satisfied
1 = Intermodule Measurement satisfied
Mainframe Commands
MESR<N> (Module Event Status Register)