Getting ASCII Data with PRINt? ALL Query
This program example shows you how to get ASCII data from a listing
display, like the disk catalog or state listing, using the PRINt? ALL query.
There are two things you must keep in mind:
You must select the mainframe, which is always SELECT 0 for the
HP 16500C mainframe.
You must select the proper menu. The only menus that allow you to use
the PRINt? ALL query are the disk menu and listing menus.
10 ! ****** ASCII DATA *******
20 !
30 !
40 ! This program gets the hard disk directory from the HP 16500C mainframe
50 ! in ASCII form by using the PRINT? ALL query.
60 !
70 !****************************************************************
80 !
90 DIM Block$[32000]
100 OUTPUT 707;"EOI ON"
120 OUTPUT 707;":SELECT 0" ! Always a 0 for the HP 16500C mainframe
130 !
140 !
150 OUTPUT 707;":MENU 0,1" ! Selects the hard disk menu. Print? All
160 ! will only work in disk menu and listings.
170 !
190 ENTER 707 USING "-K";Block$
200 !
210 !****************************************************************
220 ! Now display the ASCII data you received.
230 !
240 PRINT USING "K";Block$
250 !
260 END
Programming Examples
Getting ASCII Data with PRINt? ALL Query