
2-20 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual
September 1998 GFK-0467K
User References
The data used in an application program is stored as either register or discrete references.
Table 2-3. Register References
Type Description
%R The prefix %R is used to assign system register references, which will store program
data such as the results of calculations.
%AI The prefix %AI represents an analog input register. This prefix is followed by the
register address of the reference (for example, %AI0015). An analog input register holds the
value of one analog input or other value.
%AQ The prefix %AQ represents an analog output register. This prefix is followed by the
register address of the reference (for example, %AQ0056). An analog output register holds the
value of one analog output or other value.
All register references are retained across a power cycle to the CPU.
Table 2-4. Discrete References
Type Description
%I The %I prefix represents input references. This prefix is followed by the reference’s
address in the input table (for example, %I00121). %I references are located in the input status
table, which stores the state of all inputs received from input modules during the last input
scan. A reference address is assigned to discrete input modules using the configuration software
or the Hand-Held Programmer. Until a reference address is assigned, no data will be received
from the module. %I data can be retentive or non-retentive.
%Q The %Q prefix represents output references. The coil check function of Logicmaster 90-
30/20/Micro software checks for multiple uses of %Q references with relay coils or outputs on
functions. Beginning with Release 3 of the software, you can select the level of coil checking
Refer to the
Logicmaster 90-
30/20Micro Programming Software User’s Manual
, GFK-0466, for more information about this
The %Q prefix is followed by the reference’s address in the output table (for example,
%Q00016). %Q references are located in the output status table, which stores the state of the
output references as last set by the application program. This output status table’s values are
sent to output modules during the output scan.
A reference address is assigned to discrete output modules using the configuration
software or the Hand-Held Programmer. Until a reference address is assigned, no
data is sent to the module. A particular %Q reference may be either retentive or
non-retentive. *
%M The %M prefix represents internal references. The coil check function checks for multiple uses
of %M references with relay coils or outputs on functions. Beginning with Release 3 of the
software, you can select the level of coil checking desired
or MULTIPLE). Refer to
Logicmaster 90-30/20Micro Programming Software User’s
, GFK-0466, for more information about this feature. A particular %M reference may
be either retentive or non-retentive. *
* Retentiveness is based on the type of coil. For more information, refer to “Retentiveness of Data” on page 2-21.