GFK-0467K Chapter 4 Series 90-30/20/Micro Instructions Set 4-93
Example 1:
The array AR is defined as memory addresses %R0001 — %R0005. When EN is ON, the portion
of the array between %R0004 and %R0005 is searched for an element whose value is equal to IN.
If %R0001 = 7, %R0002 = 9, %R0003 = 6, %R0004 = 7, %R0005 = 7, and %R0100 = 7, then the
search will begin at %R0004 and conclude at %R0004 when FD is set ON and a 4 is written to
| _____
|%I0001 | |
|——| |———|SRCH_|
| | |
| | EQ_ |
| | |
| | INT | %Q0001
| %R0001—|AR FD|————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————( )—
| | LEN |
| |00005|
| CONST —|NX NX|— %R0101
| 00003 | |
| | |
| %R0100—|IN |
| |_____|
Example 2:
Array AR is defined as memory addresses %AI0001 — %AI0016. The values of the array
elements are 100, 20, 0, 5, 90, 200, 0, 79, 102, 80, 24, 34, 987, 8, 0, and 500. Initially, %AQ0001
is 5. When EN is ON, each sweep will search the array looking for a match to the IN value of 0.
The first sweep will start searching at %AI0006 and find a match at %AI0007, so FD is ON and
%AQ0001 is 7. The second sweep will start searching at %AI0008 and find a match at %AI0015,
so FD remains ON and %AQ0001 is 15. The next sweep will start at %AI0016. Since the end of
the array is reached without a match, FD is set OFF and %AQ0001 is set to zero. The next sweep
will start searching at the beginning of the array.
| _____
|%I0001 | |
|——| |———|SRCH_|
| | |
| | EQ_ |
| | |
| | INT | %M0001
|%AI0001—|AR FD|————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————( )—
| | LEN |
| |00016|
|%AQ0001—|NX NX|—%AQ0001
| | |
| | |
| CONST —|IN |
| 0000 |_____|