Index-8 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual–September 1998 GFK-0467K
read folder name (#10), 4-151
read I/O override status, 4-161
read last–logged fault table entry, 4-156
read master checksum, 4-162
read PLC ID (#11), 4-152
read PLC run state (#12), 4-153
read sweep time (#9), 4-150
read window values (#2), 4-137
reset watchdog timer (#8), 4-149
shut down (stop) PLC, 4-154
Sweep time calculation, 2-6
Sweep, PLC, 2-2
application program logic scan, 2-8
constant sweep time mode, 2-13, 2-35
housekeeping, 2-6
input scan, 2-7
logic program checksum calculation, 2-9
logic solution, 2-8
output scan, 2-9
PCM communications with the PLC, 2-12
programmer communications window, 2-9
scan time contributions for 350 and 360 Series
of CPUs, 2-5
standard program sweep mode, 2-2
standard program sweep variations, 2-13
STOP mode, 2-13
sweep time calculation, 2-6
sweep time contribution, 2-4
system communications window, 2-10
SY_FLT, 2-26
SY_PRES, 2-26
System communications window, 2-10
System configuration mismatch, 3-10
System operation, 2-1
clocks and timers, 2-34
PLC sweep summary, 2-2
power-up and power-down sequences, 2-30
program organization and user references/data,
Series 90-20 PLC I/O system, 2-38
Series 90-30 PLC I/O system, 2-38
system security, 2-36
System references, 3-5
System register references, 2-20
System status references, 2-21, 2-24
ADD_IOM, 2-25
ADD_SIO, 2-25
ANY_FLT, 2-26
APL_FLT, 2-25
BAD_PWD, 2-26
BAD_RAM, 2-26
CFG_MM, 2-25
HRD_CPU, 2-25
HRD_FLT, 2-26
HRD_SIO, 2-25
IO_FLT, 2-26
IO_PRES, 2-26
LOS_IOM, 2-25
LOS_SIO, 2-25
LOW_BAT, 2-25
OV_SWP, 2-25
PB_SUM, 2-25
SFT_CPU, 2-26
SFT_FLT, 2-26
SFT_SIO, 2-25
SNPX_RD, 2-25
SNPX_WT, 2-25
STOR_ER, 2-26
SY_FLT, 2-26
SY_PRES, 2-26
Table functions, 4-86
search less than or equal function, 4-91
SRCH_EQ, 4-91
SRCH_GE, 4-91
SRCH_GT, 4-91
SRCH_LT, 4-91
SRCH_NE, 4-91
TAN, 4-35
Tangent function, 4-35
Temporary references, discrete, 2-21
Time-of-day clock, 2-34
Timers, 2-34, 4-9
constant sweep timer, 2-35
function block data, 4-9
OFDT, 4-17
ONDTR, 4-11
time–tick contacts, 2-35
TMR, 4-14
Watchdog timer, 2-35
Time-tick contacts, 2-35
Timing, instruction, A-1
TMR, 4-14
Transitions, 2-21
Troubleshooting, 3-1
accessing additional fault information, 3-6
I/O fault table, 3-5
I/O fault table explanations, 3-17
interpreting a fault, B-1
non-configurable faults, 3-8
PLC fault table, 3-5
PLC fault table explanations, 3-7
TRUN, 4-105
Truncate function, 4-105
Up counter, 4-20
UPCTR, 4-20