
4-148 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual September 1998 GFK-0467K
To Change/Read Date and Time using Packed ASCII with
Embedded Colons Format
In Packed ASCII format, each digit of the time and date items is an ASCII formatted byte. In
addition, spaces and colons are embedded into the data to permit it to be transferred unchanged to a
printing or display device. This format requires 12 words.
High Byte Low Byte
Example output parameter block:
Read Date and Time in Packed ASCII Format
(Mon, Oct. 2, 1989 at 23:13:00)
1 = change or 0 = read address 0
3 address + 1 3
year year address + 2 39 38
month (space) address + 3 31 20
(space) month address + 4 20 30
day of month day of month address + 5 32 30
hours (space) address + 6 32 20
: hours address + 7 3A 33
minutes minutes address + 8 33 31
seconds : address + 9 30 3A
(space) seconds address + 10 20 30
day of week day of week address + 11 32 30