2.12 Wiper
The wiper feature automatically reduces the brilliance of unwanted weak echoes, such
as noise, sea clutter and rain clutter, to clear the picture. There are two wiper settings,
1 and 2. The difference between 1 and 2 is that the brilliance is lowered more slowly
in 2.
To use the wiper feature, do the following:
1. Open the menu then select [1 ECHO].
2. Select [8 WIPER] (B type) or [7 WIPER] (IMO and A types).
3. Select [OFF], [1] or [2] as appropriate.
4. Close the menu.
2.13 How to Preset Controls for Specific Navigation
Every time your navigating environment or task changes, you must adjust the radar,
which can be a nuisance in a busy situation. Instead of changing radar settings case
by case, it is possible to assign the function keys to provide optimum settings for often-
encountered situations.
The radar's internal computer offers several picture preset options to be assigned to
each function key for your specific navigating requirements. For instance, one of the
presets is labelled [HARD RAIN], and is designed to be used in heavy rain.
Two user-programmable presets are also provided (labeled [CUSTOM1],
[CUSTOM2]), so that you can have the radar automatically adjusted to those condi-
tions that are not covered by the provided setup options.
Below are the preset options provided with this radar.
Each picture option defines a combination of several radar settings for achieving op-
timum setup for a particular navigating situation. These include interference rejector,
echo stretch, echo average, noise rejector, automatic anti-sea and anti-rain clutters,
video contrast, pulse length and sea and radar conditions.
Adjusting these features from the [CUSTOMIZE ECHO] menu changes the original
function key settings. To restore the original settings for a particular customize option,
it is necessary to select the default setting. For this reason, we recommended that you
Label Description Label Description
OCEAN Optimum setting for long
range detection, on a range
scale of 6 NM or larger.
ROUGH SEA Optimum setting for operation
in rough seas.
CANAL Optimum setting for operating
in a canal.
HARD RAIN Optimum setting for rough
weather or heavy rain.
BERTHING Optimum setting when
CUSTOM1 User-defined custom
CONGESTION Optimum setting for short
range navigation (for exam-
ple, a harbor) using a range
scale of 1.5 NM or less.
CUSTOM2 User-defined custom