15.2 Parallel Index (PI) Lines
The parallel index lines are useful for keeping a constant distance between own ship
and a coastline or a partner ship when navigating. Up to six sets of PI lines are avail-
able and as many as six can be shown. One, two, three or six lines can be shown.
(The actual number of lines shown depends on the line interval.)
The bearing can be set two ways: with the scrollwheel or dragging the PI line on the
15.2.1 How to activate, deactivate PI lines
Select the PI line set to activate or deactivate with the [Display] drop-down list. Acti-
vate or deactivate the set selected with the [ON/OFF] button. Only one set can be
15.2.2 PI line bearing reference
PI line bearing reference may be relative to own ship’s heading (Relative) or refer-
enced to North (True). Select [True] or [REL].
15.2.3 Number of PI lines to display
The maximum number of PI lines to display may be selected from 1, 2, 3 or 6 lines as
below. The actual number of lines visible may be less depending on line interval. Se-
lect the number of lines to display at [Index Lines].
15.2.4 PI line mode
The PI line mode can be set for parallel (0-degrees) or perpendicular (90-degrees).
Select [Parallel] or [Perpendicular] at [Mode].